Webconf 2013 兩天的活動,順利落幕,這次感謝龍哥、PCT 的邀請。
這次的分享以 { 重新認識 JavaScript } 為出發點,讓有興趣的朋友能夠初步的認識,JavaScript 這個語言除了對於瀏覽器以外,後端語言所帶來的衝擊。
歡迎大家多多指教,如有口誤歡迎指正,以下是投影片,和整個 slide 的準備稿。
如果對於 Node.js 有興趣的朋友,歡迎加入討論,
Art of JavaScript
這次的分享以 { 重新認識 JavaScript } 為出發點,讓有興趣的朋友能夠初步的認識,JavaScript 這個語言除了對於瀏覽器以外,後端語言所帶來的衝擊。
歡迎大家多多指教,如有口誤歡迎指正,以下是投影片,和整個 slide 的準備稿。
如果對於 Node.js 有興趣的朋友,歡迎加入討論,
JavaScript for backend - WebConf 2013
- who is designer, raise ur hand.
- who is developer, raise ur hand.
- who is marketing.
- Do u write Javascript in both side(frontend and backend)
- know node.js?
- write some node.js or installed node.js before?
- Node.js we could not tell detail
- Node.js is JavaScript
- Node.js is JavaScript for backend. (found a back door image)
- So let's talk about JavaScript for backend.
- who am I
- Node.js TW
- Node.js book
- Node.js Taiwan Party
- welcome join us.
- Most of us known JavaScript is
- jQuery,
- Prototype
- JS library, not JavaScript.
- Check your JavaScript from where.
- console.log(typeof top);
- window -> browser
- undefined -> Node.js
- Backend JavaScript a different parts.
- CommonJS defination (include NPM describe)
- require
- JavaScript src is not a problem.(example, front and backend)
- module
- variable scope issue is easy.(example, front and bakend)
- require
- alos NPM is rock
- NPM is dependency management.
- module build is easy, but maintain is hard.
- npm hava over 80000 modules.
Art of JavaScript
- normal JS, and u should know.
- variable,
- function,
- Array,
- Object,
- What is this,
- Timer,
- closure.
- Asyn is an Art.
- normal style. (X)
- js is different part.
- JSON is Rock tool for JS.
- {} is cool.
- Node.js help u build some good tools.
- process control
- util, inhert, log, pump
- http, https
- file system, stream
- crypto, event
- assert (for test)
- also module
- if node.js is ruby, then npm is gem.
- express is Sinatra
- stylus + nib is compass
- also Node.js can build a high concurrency server.
- so we could make JavaScript do a lot of thing in backend.
- JavaScript is good in Backend.
- The Awesome part is, no limitation of cross domain.
- for example, request ('http://teste.com')
- Yes, it could be a proxy server.
- for example, build a server is easy.
- static cache files server, u can build ur own.
- help u build a restful server
- JSON is rock
- restful is easy for u, if u use JavaScript.
- JavaScript build a HTML5 game server.
- JavaScript build realtime server.
- JavaScript is good in Backend.
- php, DNODE
- ruby, FAYE
- Java, Node.js for front end parts
- Gap is low
- do some is fun/(callback, call, this is fun)
- conclusion
- JavaScript can help u nife,
- JavaScript can help u do something u can not finished i backend.
- Enjoy Javascript - JSDC 2013 & js, html5, node
- Q&A
感謝在 Node.js 社群中的所有夥伴,提供了寶貴的資料與經驗,感謝所有參與者,感謝所有協助的人。